Jill, child of God, created for a purpose, daughter, mother, sister, friend. I’m just a girl who loves her God. There’s nothing special, important or noteworthy in and of myself. What is special is my relationship with Jesus. I am saved by grace because of Jesus' work on Calvary. Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb for eternity. I love Him with all of my heart, mind and soul. You should know that I fail to measure up every day. I make mistakes and disappoint not only myself but my loving Father. Thankfully, His grace supersedes all of my failings and imperfections, believe me there are many. I’ve been given a second chance at life and I’m living it with my eyes wide open, taking in all God has for me. The desire of my heart is to get closer to Jesus every day. The Lord gave me a new perspective through cancer and the loss of my leg and I am thankful for it. I wouldn’t take anything for my journey. I feel like He gave me an awesome responsibility THROUGH my valley to share His love and grace. So that’s my life’s new purpose, loving Him and loving others. Sharing what I know, which isn’t nearly enough, about the ONE who has brought me THROUGH life’s valleys.
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